Sindys SECRetssssssss.... OoOOoOoOoOoOo

Monday, October 11, 2004

The essence of time is vanilla!

It's amazing!!!

I just HAVE to end up as bloody rayinzar.. is everythign else even vaguely original taken!!! And WHAT was my address anyway?!?!

Anyhoo I'm bored, 10 mins to an international relations lecture, and have tons to do.. which is why I've decided to do this instead...

I like Dell keyboards... they're got soft keys... mmmmmm SQUISHY :D

Oh and I still think livejournal is spazzier so nyah! :P


At 11:16 AM, Blogger G said...

live journal's interface is so ghettoish. It feels like ive gone to the inner city. But your posts make it worth it :) Can i get your phone number now so i can text you? Or am i supposed to look it up in the online london college student directory?

At 8:39 AM, Blogger G said...

Oi, i posted a comment here, where'd it go? I think live journal is too ghetto, this is cooler don't you think. And you mean text you as in msn you? Ohk, will do. Just lemme sort out the latest mess.


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