Sindys SECRetssssssss.... OoOOoOoOoOoOo

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Test Subject Heading

Can anyone actually SEE that subject heading? I can't seem to :(

Anyway, onwards to the source purpose and altogether reason for this here... type-fest ::)

  1. Don't have a lecture till 5pm.. again.. so am wasting time rather then studying
  2. I hope that something else that be useful shall pop up
  3. I could be studying truly but for that I'd need, amongst other things a book, which I plan to go purchase after babbling for a bit!
  4. This number thingy is so lame!

Right then, ooh so I just came from this session on how to build a CV. It appears the only thing I lack is being on some student committee... and erm.. outstanding academic performances ::) Blah!

I have a presentation on power and politics next week, should anything hideously horrible happen, I shall blame my advisor over the issue of taking Internation relations, but then again, it DOES admittedly be quite fun!

Had this way freakish nightmare where all of London got nuked! It was so weird. First the missile hit and I was like oh phew no nuke. And then there was this way awesome mushroom cloud, and a giant explosion of dust and concrete came hurtling in all directions, like an ocean wave! No one died though.. the next scene was in a hospital. And when I walked out all of the city lay in ruins. Only, a few moments later the entire scene repeated from the missile hit onwards. This time it didn't hurt. I just saw the whole thing happening around us, and the hit felt like a breeze. It turned out that we were all dead, and the actual death sequence would continue to repeat for a looong while until the transition over to true death. So I scrambled around wrecked playgrounds and dried river beds as a nuke hit again and again.. way freaky...

Got applications for all sorts of hoo-haa running in all directions these days. I'm sickly afraid that mayhaps my emails arent being sent properly. Will find out for sure by Tuesday, at which time I can start panicking because a lot of important stuff won't have reached people! Curses to my fate, but it all happens for the end-all good ja ;) Though since some of the things were EASY money, can't say I won't be a wil bit dissapointed! I also plan to put several of them on my CV anyway.. if it turns out they didn't work, blah I'll bluff my way through any interview I get ya :$

Oh and what unfairness of the world doth this be! So many firms say we'll accept any discipline as long as you did well.. I sorely protest the picking of silly geography students for econ and finance jobs just cause they managed to do better on that.. which they of course would, like duh.. D'oh!

My blog is currently undergoing drastic stylistic changes. IF people would be so kind as to click on the name Jo, in the tagboard on the right, and see her blog, and then say whether that would be better then my current one. I find it extremely... "lush"? But the three fairy pixie girls kinda threw me off. It's better in all other respects fer sure :D Oh and I do love the tagboard, me wants both taggy and Comments, mwahaha!

3pm now. At 4 I shouldst go shopping, sign up for the marketing society.. and ooh I want to join some really FUN thing. I was considering rock climbing. But the thing is I'm doing rowing on Saturdays, Sundays I NEED for apps and work, so that only really leaves late nights ( when there's not really any cool outdoor activity) or Wednesday afternoons. Yes, I have Fri and Tue afternoons off too, but nothing fun ever happens theeeen.

I suppose I could do some sort of volunteer work, but I'd much rather just be doing it for fun then the good ol let's do our bit for the world routine. And I can't deal with commitments. Such a shame that be, truly. Maybe I'll really try to start that Reading Club thing, who knows, it might take off 8-)

Oooh there's a frisbee club. How... odd. Should mail and find out what it's about. Or karate. Or rollerblading. Rock climbing sounds a bit.. rough. Anyhoo, I'll be erm.. signing off now. Take care all of yooz. Catch you next week.. or sooner.. or later. and good luck in all your personal pursuits.


*scribbly sig*


At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i liked the previous format better...

no tagboard no more. :/


At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh. the last one was different, this is just run of the blog stuff...bring the fire back home i say!


At 5:34 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

Weeel, here's an idea! You reveal yourself and get that blog for yoruself! ;)

Anyway patience, this is just a transition phase... I think :$ Unfortunately the world is rather lacking in Jo's...

Who is for some reason STILL not on msn <_<

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bwahaha....somebody's curious aren't they... ;)

At 2:13 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

Somebody is very patient though.

*crushes an empty Tango Can* <_<

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oho, tussi update kyun nahin kartay ho?

At 1:52 AM, Blogger G said...

wasssuuppp? i HATE these other fixxi majors coming and stealing MY job and MY work. Like in New York they hire frikkin columbia physics graduates to work in banks because they have a math background, while there are ppl like me with very specialized math degress running around in circles because they just don't notice me. And the worst is the way they treat you w/o a green card; an ENGLISH major got an interview for a wells fargo (bank) leadership and training program, and I couldn't even send in my resume because i wasn't a citizen. Bloody hell. At least you don't have to worry about that ray, so count thy blessings...
dus vidanya

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

Well ok sure I'm blessed on that count, but really! Comp science jobs NEED comp science, and us poor econ maths guys might as well really have done something that's a breeze ::)
It's why I've taken easier courses this year.. well relatively :$ It's just not worth the headache!

And hey I DO update least once a week, when I have time! Salami salami :p ;)

At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooh liking the new ...background, format, what-have-you...much nicer.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger AI said...

So do I read the vibe correctly: everybody loves job-hunting? *smirks*

I daresay that the person plaguing both your blogs is the same. Common links are easy enough to draw out...unless this is some weird obsessive type.

G'luck with your applications, you and the rest of the international crowd will need it, though i've heard that its less of an issue in merry ol' England. That being the case, I can once again kick myself for applying to the wrong damned country *grrrrr*

Btw, you seem to be wasting an ungodly amount of time reading blogs...maybe you should quit for Ramadhan, addiction as it seems to have become :p

I have such a wonderful week to look foward to but ranting online isn't going to solve matters (sorry to shatter illusion :p).

Hi-ho Hi-ho and off to work we go...

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

RamZAN! :p
And yeah could be the same person, though it helps not in determining WHO it is!
Wasting too much time reading blogs? I read them TOO waste time, and even then they waste only a pitifully small amount :(

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the same person. we do not obsess, we waste time, got nothing to do, hangin around...

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the same person. we do not obsess, we waste time, got nothing to do, hangin around...

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the same person. we do not obsess, we waste time, got nothing to do, hangin around...

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the same person. we do not obsess, we waste time, got nothing to do, hangin around...

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not the same person. we do not obsess, we waste time, got nothing to do, hangin around...

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok//um...sorry, ie's a little screwy.

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

That or you're actually 4 same persons... how curious blah :D

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, now that my cover's officially blown....ah damn.

i shall blame it all on canada.

At 7:53 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

So you're what.. canadian or a Southpark fan? :P

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


canada just seems like a deliciously appropriate thing to blame it on.

At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done! |


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