Heaven ain't close to a place like this
Strike one
Strike two
Steeeeeeeeeeerike.. two again? :-/
Wow Inland Revenue must've really hated me to send the same rejection letter twice! Of course for what it's worth, it was my first interview, blah blah excuse blah, evil interviewer, yadda yadda yadda.
Bloomberg of course was just silly! Mass giant interviewing, and I was surrounded with Masters students all of whom had proper work experience, two of the three I was being interviewed with actually in current full time jobs! Rraszm fraszm, oh but the building was stupendous :D
It is reported.. I expect the Lloyds rejection soon now after having laughed during the interview because I thought one of the questions was weird (apparently a big no-no) I err.. might have insulted him too :$ Total mistake though! Nyah :-(
Happy Birthday to Del, though she'll never see this here 8-)
And umm, right moving on! Live videoconference with 11 sites was so coolishly fun :D There were 10 other uni sites, and one running from Sri Lanka, all set up in the World Bank (lousy London office btw :-/). But I am now part of the leadership squad for the the "Americans for Informed Democracy". Clarifications: It's not for Americans, and Democracy=Global debate. Of course since the words for and informed still remain relevant, there's no majority overhaul of the group name required :P
I have also managed to ( and phaw they say don't start every sentence with an I, rah rah rah!), yes what I've managed to (brackets are hard to ignore, even though they're supposed to not impeded the sentence flow), have managed to... oh , take over control of my UN delegation for the London International (CONTRADICTION IT IS REALLY!) Model United Nations 8-) Am hoping to put together a play, am booked for a boat party cruisin vessel on the 9th, and my academic workload is beginning to creep into my nightmares :D
Right ok so now I'm waiting to take a quiz... I'm sure the results will give me something very fascinating to talk about. Tappity tappity tap tap..
Riiight heads up people :D
Take the quiz: "Which'>http://www.zenhex.com/quiz.php?id=5343">"Which famous dictator are you?"
Joseph Stalin
You're Joseph Stalin! You're the communist leader of the Soviet Union. You got into power by lying, manipulating and murdering... Oh well, power is power. You're probably one of the most paranoid people ever to walk the earth... Yes, they ARE out to get you! You're really ugly but you don't allow the public to see that... Image is everything and what they don't know can't hurt them, right? You can't stand those who question you... You tend to make them disappear very quickly. You need some serious counseling.
I'm not ugly.. sob wail cry shout scream.. *shoots his make-up department*
HAH last time they'll try that! Where's my jobola oil!
Anyway image is what counts.. and Red Alert was about ME!!! Me me me me Meeeeeeeeee!!! I rule, stfu! (A)
I just like saying that.. sounds kinda like stuff you... hehe (A)
Oh yes, what with half an hour left to waste, I shall now perform an autopsy of loooove.
There are many kinds of love.
The opposite of love is hate.
You can love, hate or not give a damn.. sorry dang.
Love is in all of us.
Contrary to popular toon-induced propoganda, the heart is not shaped like that n a deck of cards but is a big pulsating muscle that usually tries to run out of your chest and smash your ribs to pieces whenever you might come across love... or big scary dudes in dark alleys.
The kind of love means that English does in itself not provide enough variations.
Attraction = Love
Love for your family,friends and other half is all different.
Your other "half" is usually easily amputated, not necessary to survival, and the donor market is the largest.
Sometimes other halves, using this thing called love, believed in by teeny boppers and a band called Darkness, to cast a spell due to which amputation may cause scarring.
The only way to deal with lost love is to use lots of hate, much like a chemical acid-alkali reaction.
This may leave you feeling somewhat salty.
There are no absolutes in love.
Hence, love scarring may also be fixed by the use of, say, more love.
This may leave you feeling a bit like melted chocolate.
The association of love with food is unusually strong only if such love as is applicable to other "halves" is mentioned.
Other sorts of love, such as that for family, is more shelled.
Shells are boring.
Love for friends is the most easily revived, dead for years and easy shock therapy solves most scenarios.
The use of the words "I Love You", which are only slightly less powerful than "Banana Hammock", is usually reserved for such cases where the user is either trying to salvage a flailing relationship, or post 2am at a bar.
Saying I love you to friends is either A) A recipe for disaster, or B) Very gay.
It can also be one of C,D or E, but they're most likely to be found imprinted on Teddy Bears.
Another interesting sort of love is that for things, or activities.
Such love depends on the thing, or activity.
Hate can also be easily spun against the same things, or activities.
Love and hate are an emotion that can thus be tied up to both animate and inanimate objects.
Together, this makes a crucible for Romance.
Romance involves love, hate and flowers.
It can also involve banana hammocks, but this is purely island dependant.
If it weren't for love, men would not rule the earth.
Hence, Love=Man power.
This is open to debate.
You know you love me really!
Have a wonderful day, this is Ray signing out.
Lots of love,
Joseph Stalin.
Coming soon.
Hugs, Kisses and Hersheys. The biography.