Sindys SECRetssssssss.... OoOOoOoOoOoOo

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Test Subject Heading

Can anyone actually SEE that subject heading? I can't seem to :(

Anyway, onwards to the source purpose and altogether reason for this here... type-fest ::)

  1. Don't have a lecture till 5pm.. again.. so am wasting time rather then studying
  2. I hope that something else that be useful shall pop up
  3. I could be studying truly but for that I'd need, amongst other things a book, which I plan to go purchase after babbling for a bit!
  4. This number thingy is so lame!

Right then, ooh so I just came from this session on how to build a CV. It appears the only thing I lack is being on some student committee... and erm.. outstanding academic performances ::) Blah!

I have a presentation on power and politics next week, should anything hideously horrible happen, I shall blame my advisor over the issue of taking Internation relations, but then again, it DOES admittedly be quite fun!

Had this way freakish nightmare where all of London got nuked! It was so weird. First the missile hit and I was like oh phew no nuke. And then there was this way awesome mushroom cloud, and a giant explosion of dust and concrete came hurtling in all directions, like an ocean wave! No one died though.. the next scene was in a hospital. And when I walked out all of the city lay in ruins. Only, a few moments later the entire scene repeated from the missile hit onwards. This time it didn't hurt. I just saw the whole thing happening around us, and the hit felt like a breeze. It turned out that we were all dead, and the actual death sequence would continue to repeat for a looong while until the transition over to true death. So I scrambled around wrecked playgrounds and dried river beds as a nuke hit again and again.. way freaky...

Got applications for all sorts of hoo-haa running in all directions these days. I'm sickly afraid that mayhaps my emails arent being sent properly. Will find out for sure by Tuesday, at which time I can start panicking because a lot of important stuff won't have reached people! Curses to my fate, but it all happens for the end-all good ja ;) Though since some of the things were EASY money, can't say I won't be a wil bit dissapointed! I also plan to put several of them on my CV anyway.. if it turns out they didn't work, blah I'll bluff my way through any interview I get ya :$

Oh and what unfairness of the world doth this be! So many firms say we'll accept any discipline as long as you did well.. I sorely protest the picking of silly geography students for econ and finance jobs just cause they managed to do better on that.. which they of course would, like duh.. D'oh!

My blog is currently undergoing drastic stylistic changes. IF people would be so kind as to click on the name Jo, in the tagboard on the right, and see her blog, and then say whether that would be better then my current one. I find it extremely... "lush"? But the three fairy pixie girls kinda threw me off. It's better in all other respects fer sure :D Oh and I do love the tagboard, me wants both taggy and Comments, mwahaha!

3pm now. At 4 I shouldst go shopping, sign up for the marketing society.. and ooh I want to join some really FUN thing. I was considering rock climbing. But the thing is I'm doing rowing on Saturdays, Sundays I NEED for apps and work, so that only really leaves late nights ( when there's not really any cool outdoor activity) or Wednesday afternoons. Yes, I have Fri and Tue afternoons off too, but nothing fun ever happens theeeen.

I suppose I could do some sort of volunteer work, but I'd much rather just be doing it for fun then the good ol let's do our bit for the world routine. And I can't deal with commitments. Such a shame that be, truly. Maybe I'll really try to start that Reading Club thing, who knows, it might take off 8-)

Oooh there's a frisbee club. How... odd. Should mail and find out what it's about. Or karate. Or rollerblading. Rock climbing sounds a bit.. rough. Anyhoo, I'll be erm.. signing off now. Take care all of yooz. Catch you next week.. or sooner.. or later. and good luck in all your personal pursuits.


*scribbly sig*

Friday, October 15, 2004


Tis the serial number of my computer, the on I currently use in this here computer lab.
And this here be my second of possibly many posts on err.. blogspot. I must admit I do find its ability to host multiple names as well as a separate address kind of cool, though stylistically it leaves a lot to be desired.
Is the entire purpose of this endea..endae..endeavour I'm sure... err.. or a suitable substitute, to make long extremely complex entries?
I've scanned through several blogs now in my undying efforts to waste what time I have, what with nothing better to do, a pack of sweets by my side, and iftar hours away...
Everyone writes here in such a ..wordishly obssessed manner! Then again, I suppose if it is truly to be a release of "yoru inner most thoughts and feelings", people probably think in terms of proper words, rather then.. i have to do that thingy at 2ish but I'm feel all flibberidy about doing it :$ :$ dammit!
Yeah, that's sort of how I think, filling in thingy with the required subject when I can be bothered to retrieve it from memory.
ng and ou.. I always mix those too letters about in words ::) Must be a set typing fault.. ___ing labs and straight keyboards!!!
Course I'm not straight.. only straightish.. like say, spaghetti?
Journals, diaries, .. Err.. Blogs, always get the prettiest side of us ya. After all, who would bother to come online and type stuff out when they're happy and giddy and generally enjoying life. It's either when you're feeling contemplative, philosophical.. or psychotic.. depressed.. depression is a big motivator, though at times just being online with nothing more appealing to look forward to then that next job application ( that will inevitably be rejected) or the assignment due oh ever so soon.. yeah, being online is sad.. and what better place to dish it out then here. Then of course, you tell your friends to read it, thereby spared the effort of individually explaining to each and every one of them what a terrible mess your life really is.
I'm sure something here MUST allow you to make sub categories of friends too, but hell forbid that I ever go looking around in complex toolbar arenas!
So now.. half an hour till some friends get out of their classes and I can either go "have fun" or more likely, see what to do about this MOST annoying female trying to run for pak soc president, or alternatively look seriously into my job and carrer fair apps for barclays and CRedit..suisse? :S However it's spelt.. oh yeah, a dedicated future employee I yam indeed!
Oh I had this rather odd dream! All them old people, and some of the more decent new ones.. and no studies... somewhere... I'm sure Zaks old house featured vaguely prominently.. vague prominence..mwahaha :D
I might just end up having to copy this into livejournal, at least I have a set audience over there.. I wonder who actually reads stuff over here. Is there an easy way to sift through the blogs of people you'd like to see, other then adding them all to your favourites ::)
Hmm.. I guess the displayed time is US .. will try to remember to change that.. it's the effort that counts!
Ooooh I've like totally almost finished FFX :D It was such a superly fun game... and, well I'll only update here as life goes on I guess. Unlike gogz, the ability to recap an entire week is not to be found here.. I'm sure I'd skip all the bits of significance anyway..

By the way, coming soon, a stylised review of Arranged Marriage Vs.. or possibly teamed up with.. it's err.. counterpart.. the lovey thing!

Well I have been looking for new topics to randomly rave about, and religion.. well not in Ramzan! And Death... nobody seems to like that...Education, life in general.. all done. Months ago.. though I'm sure some opinions continue to evolve and run havoc.. havok.. in my mind? Whatevery!

Probably going to watch The Phantom of the Opera soon, once the money from my job as a Student Ambassador starts coming in.. I'll just not describe the job coz it sounds ever so posh this way (A)

Anyway, 20 mins left now! And I'll possibly go randomly splare a message board. I do hate them, but since formal classes with assignments dont start till next week, they shall serve for erm.. today really, as a good time utiliser!

Rowing tomorrow! Oh and I'm getting better at it! I'm SURE I wouldnt get stuck in green gucky stuff ( algae.. you know.. just to prove I DO know about green gucky things (A) ) if I were to try in Hyde Park again!
I'd complain about how cold it is but I'm sure there's worse out there.

Anyhoo.. take care all my many many many readers... and I'm lucky if there's an individual for each many, where many can be a group of consumers, each being an.. individual :-/



Monday, October 11, 2004

The essence of time is vanilla!

It's amazing!!!

I just HAVE to end up as bloody rayinzar.. is everythign else even vaguely original taken!!! And WHAT was my address anyway?!?!

Anyhoo I'm bored, 10 mins to an international relations lecture, and have tons to do.. which is why I've decided to do this instead...

I like Dell keyboards... they're got soft keys... mmmmmm SQUISHY :D

Oh and I still think livejournal is spazzier so nyah! :P