Evolution, Infra-Red, Lonely Nerds and IKO!!
The possibility of drawing a smiley face using the bottom dots of them exclamation marks as eyes is probably fairly low hmm :(
It's 20 past 3, I've been a dizzy devil for hours, getting up to all sorts of random stuff. This would include, but is certainly not limited to random postings here and there, obtaining a photobucket account, and trying to catch up with people I've ignored solong, yet no one seems to be online after midnight. Tres odd :o (A)
In any case, I've given myself a topic that shall provide a rought guide for the flow of my entry. Where to begin? Evolution apparently, but I'd just like to take a short spin to say Triumph the Dog sent to me by Zak was hilarious, especially at this volatile time of day, and that today was my first day actually interacting with the members at K&K. Twas exciting in a way, with so many you can't tell if they even have a disability, while others were so apparent. It was probably the most diverse range of human existence within a designated age bracket I've seen. And what an age bracket, ranging from 4-49, I felt a bit lonely since my member didn't come in today. But we had our autism workshop so I figure that will be helpful, and it gives me time to brush up on Eastenders ::)
Oh a Belief-o-matic test I took says I'm 100% Islam and Orthodox Jew.. how truly fascinating. Though I feel my answers might have been slightly motivated by the fact that I'd've been fairly dismayed had some toehr religion popped up :$ Online quizzes, phaw (A) I'm such an angel I break most of em ;) Christmas in Birmingham, dependant on transport over Boxing Day. GET YOUR EU VISA NOW!!!! *ahem* I know you're reading... *spooky music* :P And I don't know how to spell what the visa is really called (A)
I don't like humans <_<>
Evolution yes! Well I've now compiled a rough haphazard collection of pictures from the beginning of my mobile camera last December to, well, this December. The changes are fairly amazing. My hair seems to flit around like an afro could only dream to. And now that it's cut again for the interview season, I'm looking for my last pre-occupation growth spurt. Curl and wave and twirl and twist, ever wish on an eyelash? I do, and I suppose it works. Though all my wishes come true.. have yet to try on a shooting star. Just never had the oppurtunity. I also look far better as a negative. I sense irony and ominous doom in that, but for now I'll file it under X and look it up in the mourning.
I'm a vampire. Revelation? Hardly. But I've evolved my theory of leeching. Yes I could potentially be a leech too, but where's the honour in that? Can you imagine my biography being called Ray the Leech King? I think not! So here's the mathematically proven analysis. 1 "best" friend entitles me to an almost unlimited supply of bubblicious energy, allowing comparisons to the best Mint Aero. 2 "best" friends break all embarassment and social awareness barriers, and any fool to argue with me when I be so empowered does so at tremendous risk. 4 people in total will have me swinging from a lamp post if the lamp post is low enough. No close friend will have me struggling to be myself and generally being more socially awkward than a snail in an ant eaters mouth. Thus the theory of Confi-Suck and Bubble-Bust is born. All terms are hereby copyrighted and free to use for the simple fee of an eternity of damnation :p
Infra-Red was with regards to photo transfer from mobile to LT, why IS that there :-/ I'll put this paragraph to better use by presenting a dilemma that needs carefully processed advice. One good friend likes another good friend in some circle. To tell of feelings could spell social tension for entire group, or possible success. Other friend has however never though of first friend in this way. What to do? I'm sorry if I've trivialised the issue :$
Lonely nerds, oops! That was with regards to the Triumph the dog video. Anyone ever has time ask Zak (or myself) for it, tis supremo comedy! :D With regards to Star Wars first showing ;)
IKO IKO! My grandma and your grandma sitting by the fire, my grandma say to your grandma gonna set her flat on fire.. or something :$ Love this song! :D
And to finish, I shall part with such valuable advice as...
Easier to spell or pronounce?
(Yes, that's elvish/sindarin. For once, I may :p )
my afro could beat your afro- set it on FIII-YARRR *clicks zippo for ominous background effect*
i'm late, i'm late for a not-so important date, but as first commenter i can do whatever i want mbruhuhhahahahaaaaa
ray the leech king, has a nice ring to it.
shooting star...read that as a shouting star for some reason... :X
negative...hahaha muahaha have seen you as a negative! *feels speshul*
and hahaha used to play that song ALLLL the time.
Well orkut happens to suck, I've been trying desparately to change my pic on it too a far funkier neg pic but it just won't listen :(
Iko still on here :$ I used to have it on 4 or so years ago all the time, it popped up in an ad on tv and memories came flooding back! :D
Haha very nice white rabbit :p And no afro could beat my afro, my afro eats afros, and twigs :-/ Ok so it's not EXACTLY an afro when it comes, more like Cousin IT after a bad day in the microwave (A)
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