Sindys SECRetssssssss.... OoOOoOoOoOoOo

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Life. Strife. And the Fluff in between.

The first time I came up with those words was for some forgotten GP Essay. Now I no longer remember their significance, only that I grew oddly attached to them. One of my millions of children that I could not have orphaned. So-to-speak.

It's past half past one. The laptop is in my room. Any other day, any other time, I would be found working on any number of projects I have lined up for myself. But not this day. Saying that perhaps not as impressively as Aragon did, nor with as much conviction. My head is so heavy, thoughts running in a viscous fluid, colliding with one another and off the walls, bearing no relation to that which surrounds them. Why I came here is largely unknown to me. Had things to catch up with in the blog world, slowly drifted this way. We go where the wind steers us, and it is a time for winds for never before have I felt less in control of my own trajectory. Roll that off your tongue. Tra-Ject-Tor-eeee. Big words aren't for me, though that is by no standard big. Reassuring little snippets of information such as having your verbal skills in the top 15% of the pool mean a lot and little simultaneously.

With a countless number of writings on destiny, several in fact coming out as whole coherent thoughts for the most part, it shall not be my fate tonight to dwell on it. Rather I would dwell on this urge to keep my index fingers flicking off keys with no real purpose behind them other than an urge to write. To ramble and go on about nothing, all the time resisting the temptation to begin on the many somethings that all have their own cells to which they are confined until I have the strength of will to deal with their explosive natures. Then of course I shall display them to the world, but with less of a personal emphasis, as the me-me-me part of my life is so largely the domain of this land and that other hidden portal.

Frustration comes out in fumes. Great inhalations that are let out through the teeth in an odd hissing manner that would be so much more impressive if I could breathe out smoke and fire. It's not so common an emotion, born more of the cooping than anything else. And this idea I had, lost now. It was supposed to be in my future post, but the thought was of a post much unlike this, and the line so far removed it hurts to recall. It.

If you place your teeth so that just the tips of your incisors are touching, it's like a gret collapsed cave, with a pink beast inside. Fighting to get out. Fascinating insights from the mirror. Other mirror-reflections came when staring for so long that the image began to blur. Not daring to blink, I saw my face contort and form something different. Arched eyebrows coming in a sharp V at the centre. A goti, and eyes burning with a rage and hatred unknown to me. For what it's worth, I humour myself with thoughts of how it's another side of me that lends protection against parts of this world that can't be dealt with a smile and a wave. Sure. Complete protection...

Realy about nothing then this was. A futile exercise perhaps. This has become an avenue for so much spontaneous pointless writing with no secret of great value, I doubt the blog title really fits anymore. Web address works like a charm though. As does my avatar. I wonder how long it might ocntinue to define me, in some vague manner.

Vague. Hahahaha.

Give me three words to describe you.
Creative, Curious and Colourful.

Not the perfect answer to that dreadful question. But I like it. Because when asked about it I can grin and roll another word around in my mouth. A word that tastes like solid dust, empty air, featherweight bubblegum. Late night adjective barrage, ridiculous. Ludicrous is a nice roller too.

Oh but wait. That wasn't the one I meant. Creative, curious, colourful child. Please oh please let that be alliteration.

Because I would love it so if it were.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger psnob said...

allegedly alliterator alligator, i do think it qualifies child.

tried looking for kernels in there, core periphery, whish. scatterbrain! but in the good sense of the word :D

resistance can never be anything guessed it.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger psnob said...

alwways, al.

patterns, i...gasp flutter and wisp. reveal all, pray.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

Lacoste. Alligator not. *snaps*

Ooh kernels I remember those yes. Bird food and techy speak, si!

I guessed it? Did I forget it after I guessed it? Oh deardry :(

Patterns! Haha, it's not complex, nor clever. A bored patttern really. :)

At 4:15 PM, Blogger psnob said...

kernels. popcorn. :D :D

At 4:39 PM, Blogger psnob said...

uff, write rayray already

At 10:45 PM, Blogger Saad said...

hello November! :D
hello Ray! :D

At 1:25 PM, Blogger psnob said...

buttercups build me up.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Saad said...

yeah :/
excessive faraghat gets u thinking like that... so much to do, so little time *sulks*

At 4:10 PM, Blogger psnob said...

plenny of rain in the city with teh red walls, but no memories :s

body hair. wondered the same thing. that and how long hair came to be a symbol of femininity. me thinking both be some kind of ultrainevitable and therefore not-blamable but very there-you-have-it-anyway-style conspiracy to build up a binary opposition between men and women. works well to the advantage of something orsomeone, or so it appears to be.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

Ah but what if it was the other way around? That would be a most interesting parallel universe to observe.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger M said...

And I thought I was self-obsessed! hahaha...Try a fish-face-lip-side-roll with a raised left eyebrow...thats me n my lil bros crabface :D hehe

At 12:41 PM, Blogger psnob said...

why am i the only one who thinks i look alright in that pictar.
NO idea blurred object about, hopefully its noting incriminatingg.

At 4:42 AM, Blogger AI said...

Hatter still rights as if the no-birthday is around the corner.

The DND post some time back was randomly nostalgic, I shoulda been more lenient with what was 'possible' for my stranger children.

Grats on the job, a lil birdie told me, can't remember which.

Oh and I remember the GP essay, I think you right very different now, or maybe just a lil less crazy...a pity, or maybe not.

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At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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