Sindys SECRetssssssss.... OoOOoOoOoOoOo

Thursday, August 18, 2005

How wee-eerd

Things that I have accomplished recently are both few and noteworthy, such things as they are. Things such as, finally fixing my blogs timezones. Expanding in the name of all things pretty and futile. Fiddling with blueteeth. Filling in a plethora of job applications. Oh, and finally watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Life in its ruthlesness means I shall comment on but two. The movie was by far the weirdest little smidgen I've viewed in a long long time, but couple Tim Burton and Roald Dahl and one should expect no less. The Oompa Loompas are perhaps scarier than their orange predecessors. Or is scarier. Who knows. I also admit to no longer being capable of dleivering an unbiased assessment of Depp's performances. The man is a genius. With slight hints of Jim Carrey here, but still a genius. How weird :-D Delightful really ;)

On job apps. I see not the point of applications that take me a good hour, only to be followed by a questionnaire with a preset pass style. Seems my somewhat honest answers did me no good, nor should they have. When creativity comes before commercial awareness, it was a matter of shooting myself in the foots, so to speaketh. But I could never put creativity a measly second. For then what would I be, but a fool repeating from the Book of 1000 jokes.

My brother starts uni soon now, those nasty little A-Lev results out the way as they be. Time for a little heave-ho and settling in new unexplored lands. Tired as I am of what is a wonderful but too ill-suited to myself little town, any adventure no matter how small must beat the same walk down the pleasant high street.

Danny Elfman sang! Eeeek! Oh gods I didn't do that, but it was wonderful! And as an Oompa Loompa no less ^_^

If to take thy lords name in vain is blasphemy, is it better to say oh gods?


At 4:23 PM, Blogger psnob said...

awww...widdle a moiay dayye, we used to dance around a magical fire in the forest of eternal untruths when we started em...but ah eese kids dont know how to rawk it anymoore.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger psnob said...

oooh and thanky yew for ze lore link!

At 10:55 PM, Blogger G said...

eyy, u two. the wheel of time spins FORWARDS not backwards. walk or die, delusional scum! lol. and there. no one is allowed to act happy and speak wid a widdle waddle goo goo shpeak as long as im unhappy. i don't know what this rant is about. and remembering the lord in all matters is our obligation, the blasphemy part is the OTHER ppl's belief.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

It's the pub now, forever and always, for good or bad ::) Then again I cannae remember what it was that we did, though there wa the odd fire, yet dancing around one in the summer is absurdly painful :p

The Wheel of Time happens ot have stuck on some algae by the look of things! And if you were to watch the choccy factory, perhaps a moment of happiness might be thine ;) The rant if any be only about apps, but the blasphemy release is good! But I can still say oh gods right? or the god of darkness, as long as it is with a small g and I means it from a fantasy viewpoint and not a literal one.

*drinks to theology* ^_^

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Saad said...

baahaha.. Godzilla's fun when u want to make ur 2 year old cousin listen to you >:D

At 12:02 AM, Blogger Sindy Clawford said...

I can think of few better uses...
though scaring the elders is always a good deal riskier (6)

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